Success Stories

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  • Healthcare Venture

    Industry Context

    Healthcare continues to be one of the most challenging domains in India.

    On one end, we have a growing innovation in technology and business models by new-age startups.

    On the other hand, it’s a space fraught with trust-gap, high price-points, limited access and resources.

    It’s difficult to strike the right balance between innovation-operations-revenue generation, despite the best of intentions.

    Startup Context

    Ecosystem Ventures took keen interest in a new-age diagnostic testing venture that developed an innovative process of conducting a wide-range of tests using dry blood and urine samples.

    Additionally, they built new testing algorithms that could predict certain medical conditions for babies during birth itself, which has been life-saving for many children.

    Startup Challenges

    Despite a couple of small rounds of angel investments, their growth stagnated, and the venture didn’t seem to be meeting its true potential.

    We loved the founding team, which included a medical doctor-turned-MBA who understood all aspects of the business, and decided to commit our personal capital, strategic capabilities and funding network to support the venture.

    Ecosystem Support

    Over a 6 month period, our consulting team deep-dived into every aspect of the venture, from product, sales & ops to HR & finance.

    We built a new business plan, but this time identified every possible ‘execution gap’ and identified people in our network who could bridge these gaps.

    This included bringing a new sales leader and sales team, restructuring ESOP pool to add domain experts and putting management practices for enabling a very tight executing tracking.

    We also helped craft a process automation and technology development roadmap that optimized between functionality, opex savings and capex planning.

    Ecosystem Impact

    Ecosystem Ventures concluded a bridge CCPS round through both domestic and international investors, which included renowned doctors and healthcare leaders. ESV is continuing to support the startup till it reaches the next growth milestone.

    In the words of the founder, “ESV’s work cannot be bucketed in any one category. Their support spanned all aspects of our venture, and we truly felt as if we’ve got a much-needed extended family to support us in our journey”.

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