Linkedin Co-founder Reid Hoffman famously said, Entrepreneurship is like jumping off a cliff and assembling a plane on the way.
The art is to be able to build the plane and start flying it before crashing down.
And then there’s Blitzscaling – assembling the plane faster, and then strapping on jet engines to accelerate exponentially.
During such a tumultuous journey, one needs all the help possible. And that’s what we do – bring together the collective power of our Ecosystem to make sure that founders have all the right tools, people and components to help build a supersonic jet.
And then there’s the fuel required – funding – available only to those who can demonstrate a plane perfectly ready for take-off.
Having built, scaled and exited ventures before, we truly empathize with entrepreneurs. In addition to investing in companies and providing board-level advisory, we go up-and-beyond and get our hands dirty in the trenches.
For our portfolio companies, we’ve done whatever it takes : from redesigning org structures to helping design product components; from preparing pricing plans to setting up financial control systems; from negotiating their client contracts to setting up their business metrics dashboards.

Every startup has some strengths and some gaps; we work with them to close such gaps while ensuring continued growth by leveraging their strengths.
Last but not the least, we keep adding fuel (funding) to the venture as and when required.
So if all the above sounds like a swiss-knife for startups, we’ve succeded in explaining what we do.
Read more about each of the different roles we play:

Handholding in its most veritable form: from providing leadership to business review, we have you covered.

Fund Raising
We invest and aggregate capital for early-stage startups seeking Seed, Angel, pre-Series A, and Series A funding.