New Geo-spatial policy as an enabler for startups

In this edition we would briefly discuss the new geo spatial policy notified by the Government of India on 28 Dec 2022. The policy has been commended by the sector stakeholders and may usher innovation in Geo-spatial based products & services for India and the world.

The policy builds on the Feb 2021 document titled ‘Guidelines for acquiring and producing Geospatial Data and Geo-spatial Data services including Maps’. Through these guidelines GoI had defined Geo-Spatial data as any positional data with or without attribute data. E.g Positional data of any place is derived from latitude, longitude and the elevation of the place from a reference point. Attribute data is any data when associated with Positional Data gives additional meaning to it.

Historically, the most common representation of positional data has been through printed maps. For their strategic significance and perceived security risk, the production and dissemination of maps has been strictly controlled through the Survey of India, the apex organization tasked with maintaining the datasets related to Geo-spatial information.

Guidelines enable a new approach whereby – “there shall be no requirement for prior approval, security clearance, license or any other restrictions on the collection, generation, preparation, dissemination, storage, publication, updating and/or digitization of Geospatial Data and Maps within the territory of India. Individuals, companies, organizations, and Government agencies, shall be free to process the acquired Geospatial Data, build applications and develop solutions in relation to such data and use such data products, applications, solutions, etc by way of selling, distributing, sharing, swapping, disseminating, publishing, deprecating and destructing. Self-certification will be used to convey adherence to these guidelines.’

The guidelines proposed a ‘negative-list’, whereby sensitive attribute data would be put on a list, which would not be made available, unless under specific regulation, as part of Geo-spatial applications. Rest of the data is being made available to companies and individuals.

To decide as the final authority on what constitutes the negative list, the Feb 2021 guidelines envisaged formation of GDPDC Geospatial Data Promotion and Development Committee, which has now been announced in the policy document.

Furthermore the new policy outlines a vision and time-bound milestones to achieve the goals. E.g by 2025 the enabling legal framework that supports liberalization of Geospatial sector and democratization of data for enhanced commercialization with Value Added Services is expected to be put in place.

By 2030, High resolution topographical survey & mapping (5-10 cm for urban & rural areas and 50 cm-100 cm for forests & wastelands), High accuracy Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the entire country (25 cm for plain, 1-3 meter for hilly and mountainous areas) is expected.

Similarly, by 2035, high resolution/accuracy Bathymetric (measurement of depth) Geospatial Data of inland waters and sea surface topography of shallow/deep seas – to support Blue Economy is expected.

It would be interesting to see how new startups emerge in the geo-spatial space following the liberalization of policy. One of our portfolio companies is creating value for many businesses through their location intelligence platform. You may explore more about them here.

Startup Funding Summary

KreditBee, Bengaluru-based fintech startup, has raised $100 Mn in Series D funding from Advent International and Avendus Capital – Read More

SarvaGram, Mumbai-based financial service provider, has raised $35 Mn in series C funding from Elevar Equity, Elevation Capital, Temasek and TVS Capital – Read More

VilCart, Bengaluru-based rural commerce startup, has raised $13 Mn in Series A funding round from Asia Impact, Nabventures Fund and Texterity – Read More

Jupiter, Mumbai-based fintech startup, has raised $12 Mn in a funding from Alteria Capital – Read More

Varthana, Bangaluru-based NBFC startup, has raised $7 Mn in a funding from MicroVest – Read More

M&A Snippets

Mumbai-based fintech startup InCred Capital has acquired Mumbai-based wealthtech startup Orowealth for an undisclosed amount – Read More

Noida-based travel and hospitality services provider RateGain will acquire California-based data exchange platform Adara for $16 Mn – Read More

Ghaziabad-based FMCG Company Dabur India has acquired Mumbai-based spices maker Badshah Masala for $71 Mn – Read More